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Last Updated Jan 2001

Copyright © 2001 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Purpose :

Find the center of the objects stored in a CIM files.

Procedure :

This routine refuse the objects whit one of this caracteristics:
Position of the maximum out of x_boxsize or y_boxsize defined from cim image. (This happen if the cutout was runned in a big object and the cutout take only a part of it)
Classification code defferent from that specified with the option /CLASS_TYPE=a.
Dimension of the cutout bigger than max_size, where max_size is 512x512 matrix.
The total number of objects refused is reported in the DID file. This routine performs a fit to the cutout images with a bidimensional circular gaussian or with a bidimensional elliptical gaussian to find the object center. The routine takes the object cutout stored in the cim file, normalizes the image, and starts the iterations sequence using, as starting point, the baricenter position. The parameters passed to the fit routine (GNTICK) are CENT_TYPE dependent; we have:
centroider_params(1)=(image_max-bzero)/bscale !amplitude of gaussian
centroider_params(2)=oop.x_position-cih.lx+1.5 !x position on the cutout
centroider_params(3)=oop.y_position-cih.ly+1.5 !y position on the cutout
Circular Gaussian
centroider_params(4)=sqrt((oop.uf_xx+oop.uf_yy)/2.0) !sigma of circular gaussian
Elliptical Gaussian
centroider_params(4)=sqrt(oop.uf_xx) !sigma_x of ellipltical gaussian
centroider_params(5)=sqrt(oop.uf_yy) !sigma_y of ellipltical gaussian
centroider_params(6)=oop.uf_xy /(sqrt(oop.uf_xx)*sqrt(oop.uf_yy)) !Correlation coefficent
centroider_params(number_parameters-2)=0.001 !background plane x coefficient
centroider_params(number_parameters-1)=0.001 !background plane y coefficient
centroider_params(number_parameters-0)=(skyc-bzero)/bscale !background plane constant
GNTICK stops when one of the following controls are satisfied:
Number of iterations > centroider_option(1) (=NUM_IT_MAX)
[In this case centroider_error=-1]
Difference on the parameters (step i+1 - step i)
[In this case centroider_error=see Output Effects]
Somthing is wrong with the current estimate of one (or more) of the parameters (es. negative sigma, negative intensity at peak ...)
[In this case centroider_error=-2]

Output Effects :

This routine writes out only those quantites newly calcolated or upgrated to pre-existing oop file or to the cen file. These potentially affected variables are (using the oop structure):
Record Num. Name Comment
19 proc_info_flags XXXXXXXXXn
60 x_cen X centroid (pixel unit)
61 y_cen Y centroid (pixel unit)
62 x_epsilon X error (pixel unit)
63 y_epsilon Y error (pixel unit)
64 chi_squared sigma 0 centroider error fit
65 x_sigma sigma on X direction
66 y_sigma sigma on Y direction (only for elliptical centroider)
67 pos_angle correlation coefficent (only for elliptical centroider)
68 cen_iterations Iteration number or flag (0,-1,-2,-3)
69 cen_local_sky Local sky recomputed from the centroider fit using a slating plane
70 cen_int_density Integrated density recomputed from the fit

Calling Sequence :

{default entire plate}
{default entire plate}
[/CLASS_TYPE=n] Type of object where run the Centroider {def=1}
{def = 0 --> Stars}
{ 1 --> Galaxies}
[/ALL_CLASS] Run the centroider on all objects, don't take in account the qualifier /CLASS_TYPE=n
{def = False}
[/CENT_TYPE=a] Type of centroider
CIRCULAR ----> Circular Gaussian + slanting plane as local background
ELLIPTICAL --> Elliptical Gaussian + slating plane as local background
[/NUM_IT_MAX=n] Max. number of iterations
{default = 30}
[/ERR_TOLL=t.] Max. differences on the parameters computed at (step i+1 - step i) multiplied for 1000
{default 0.001}
[/CEN] Write output to cen file (same structure as the oop file)
{defaults doesn't write on cen, upgrade the oop}
[/NO_ERR_FILE] Don't write the oop.object_number, oop.cih_id and flag centroider for the object where the centroider fails.
{default write on the file ****.centr_error with this format='(2x,i8,2x,i8,2x,i2)' oop.object_number,oop.cih_id,centroider_flag}
[/DEBUG] Debug mode

Availability :

  • GSSS AXP - yes
  • GSSS VAX - yes
  • PIXELS - no

History/Author :

Version/Date Developer Inst. Comment
16-Oct-1994 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Original Implementation
27-Nov-1996 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Revision
04-Dec-1996 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Added Class_type qualifier
21-Jan-1997 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Revision
19-Mar-1997 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Adopted the new oop structure
26-Mar-1997 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Added All_class qualifier
28-Apr-1997 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Added /NO_ERR_FILE qualifier
25-Jun-1997 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Fix the Elliptical centroider fit
27-Jun-1997 Andrea Zacchei CRA/OATo Optimization

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